It’s Donna give me a call. Hey sleeping he’s sleeping next to you know on the car football games, but he is right coming week, that’d be great too red wine in the middle of the tell time when warm goes from Kohl’s 2 or more, whatever, and is now a stomach. Although in this floored it did not that you know we’ll come at 8, the Cheney mission and he said this out and you know. Luckily dude terribly buddy. Clad in the future. So if you a question sister’s Sherry s probably my bed but frankly key job does we want to 8 and when he does whatever is going to have us he can depend on the phone. I don’t know. I don’t know what what we can do but certainly Storage Sites alright honey. Okay helping out and being so nice and thanks again for nice lunch, it was lost, like, really. It was net anybody. Bye.
It’s True…
Hey Doug, what’s up. It’s true. I’m sorry to call you so early on some trying to take care of this point 6 but for some reason of my F. T. P information and working. I was wondering if you had changed anything or something. It’s. It shouldn’t take very long, fax, but I just attempting to get out of the server. Can you call me or or so. I will when you get this. Thanks. Bye.
Middle East
Hey it’s will happy look that over Syria. Have a nice time today. Gimme a ring whenever you get some rentals so we can. Bye. Yeah.
Hey Doug, this is dad calling. I’m heading out and just want your friends multicolored apartment in screen you get a chance.
Webster from Webthorn
This is Webstern from Webthorn at xxx-xxx-xxxx. We just got off the phone with Magellan and Diana wanted to know if we can get from you guys. This is specifically straight from a client meeting, Adam was there. Two versions of a newsletter targeting different segments to demonstrate how confident would be different and could be altered between segments and for early next week on Monday, the client wants to focus on the Magellan brand, not on the sub brands of the different devices. They are also interested in newsletters and evening sweaters in pushing natural accessories and obviously as I mentioned before high customerization,’s available with the e-mail platform that Eflon has. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call…
Glycerine Suppositories
Hey man,on my way to go pick up some glycerine suppositories. I wanted to see if you guys if had any experience with that. I’ll get to it’s. Alright. Bye.